There is nothing worse than a rough beard. It can be uncomfortable, and it can make you want to stop growing it. There are several factors that cause this problem in men. These can also make you have brittle beard hair.
The good news is there are ways to soften your beard. This means that you will have an easier time growing out your beard. It will also make day to day living better. Because if you have a soft and manageable beard, then you will have less itching and problems. Who doesn’t want a soft beard?
All guys want a sexy beard, and our guide will help you improve your beard grooming routine. This will give you that soft beard, and it can improve healthy beard growth.
First, we need to understand what the problem is. Then we can show you how to remedy a rough beard.
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Why Is Your Beard Rough?
Let’s discuss a few possible causes of rough beards. You will understand that your beard is different from your hair. The follicles on the face and forehead are different. Apart from the hair follicle, the causes differ. This is why face hairs are sometimes called androgen as it is developed during puberty. Also, testosterone is important in our metabolism. Is there any surprise? I’m not sure. Technically facial hair — such as beard and mustaches — is pubic hair. Also: Please note the scalp and facial skin are different: the scalp is the most textured skin.

You Are Washing Your Beard Incorrectly
One of the main reasons that causes a dry beard is using the wrong products when you wash your beard. Shampoo for your head contains detergents that are designed to strip oil and dirt from you hair. When you use this on your face, it can cause the skin underneath your beard to get dry and rough.
This happens because the harsh shampoo will strip beneficial oils away from your facial hair and face skin. Now, your beard and face lack moisture, and you will get an itchy beard.
The Weather Can Negatively Impact Your Beard
During winter months, air is cold and dry. Constant wind against your facial hair will dry it out. The skin under your beard will also become dry and itchy. These conditions will cause your beard rough. This can be a regional problem, and you can be impacted more based on where you live. When moisture is stripped away from your skin and facial hair, it can cause your beard to become dry, rough, and itchy.
You Are Dehydrated
The simple truth is you need to keep your beard hydrated. There may be other factors involved that is causing your facial hair to be brittle and rough, but water is a key to success.
It is no secret that dehydration causes your skin to become dry and irritated. This includes the skin under your facial hair. Not drinking the proper amount of water will cause this. Drinking large amounts of caffeine drinks like soda and coffee can also make you dehydrated.
Benefits Of Making Your Beard Soft
Do you want to soften beard hair? Of course you do. There are benefits to you and others in your life. As an example, you will have an easier time growing your beard out if it is nice and soft. Your girlfriend or wife will enjoy kissing you without getting scratched by a rough beard. Women do not like kissing guys with prickly facial hair. Overall, you can improve the health of your beard if you keep it soft and hydrated.
- Improved beard growth
- Less split ends
- Reduce beard dandruff
- Easier to manage
- Healthier beard

How To Soften Beard And Make It Straight
One of the best ways to get a soft beard is to use proper beard grooming products. You need to apply great products like beard oils that will soften your facial hair. Many guys use whatever hair products that are laying around. These are not designed for beard hairs, and they are too harsh for your face. Beard oils and beard balms are two of the most popular products. There are more options like beard conditioners and beard shampoos that do a great job for your beard’s health.
Here are 5 ways to make your beard soft:

1. Use A Proper Beard Shampoo And Beard Conditioner
It is important to wash your beard to keep your beard softer. Most shampoos, are designed for the hair on your head. They are harsh and will strip away oils to remove dirt. Your scalp is tough and can handle this. Your face cannot. That is why you need a beard shampoo that is designed for your face. Mountaineer Brand Beard Wash is perfect. It is not full of chemicals and surfactants. Check out the ingredient list, and you will see what I am talking about. It contains carrier oils like Olive and Coconut. We personally use this on our beards.
You are going to get a dirty beard, and you will need to wash it. You do not need to wash your beard daily. You can do it a few times a week. It is a must to have a clean beard.
After washing your beard with a good beard shampoo, you will need to use a proper beard conditioner. This will restore moisture your facial hair, and it will smooth it out. Even if you use a conditioner that is designed for beards, it is still going to strip away some moisture. You need to restore as much of that as possible. This is how a beard conditioner will help make your beard soft.
We like Live Bearded Beard Conditioner. If you are looking for a lower cost option, then Just For Men makes a great one too. There is a difference in cost here, but Live Bearded is 8 0z. vs. 3 oz. for Just For Men.
To learn more about the proper way to wash your beard, we have some more information.
2. Use Beard Oil
Is your beard dry? Using beard oil is the most popular way to give you a softer beard. Beard oil is a mixture of carrier oils that are designed to make your beard soft and easier to manage. This commonly includes natural oils like coconut oil, jojoba oil, avocado oil, and others. They are sometimes scented with fragrance or essential oils to make them smell better.

The beard oil makes your beard soft by adding a protective oil layer over your facial hair. Plus the carrier oils are loaded with vitamins and nutrients that are great for your beard. Beard oil will also hydrate the skin under your beard. This will help to remedy beard dandruff, and it can help to alleviate skin irritation. Because it is so effective at coating your facial hair and skin, it will help to alleviate any beard itch due to dry skin.
You need to apply beard oil every day, and you will see the benefits shortly. When it comes to applying beard oil, make sure to cover your entire beard. A few drops in the palm of your hand is all that is needed.
It is important to use a good beard oil. We have tried so many different brands. One brand that we like is Beard Octane Beard Oil. It is light, absorbs into your facial hair quickly, and it does a good job of moisturizing your skin. We also like Badass Beard Care Beard Oil. These are both solid recommendations that we use all the time. These are easy to apply and soak in very well.
3. Apply Beard Balm Or Beard Butter
Two other products that can help are beard balms and beard butters. A beard balm is a product that is designed to provide some conditioning and hold to your beard. They have natural oils like olive oil and coconut oil, but they also contain a styling agent. This is usually in the form of beeswax. A beard balm is great for your beard because it can help to hold in moisture. This will help to keep your beard hair follicles from getting rough.
A beard butter is similar, except that it does not contain a styling agent. It is designed to give your beard have softer hairs.
Honest Amish Beard Balm is a great choice as a go between. It has a great scent along with a nice blend of natural oils and butter. You can learn more about Amish Beard Oil here. Simply put a dime sized amount in your palm and apply it to your beard once a day.
4. Use A Beard Comb Or Beard Brush
A beard brush is an important tool to have for proper beard care. It serves the purpose of spreading natural oils like sebum over your facial hair. It can also help to spread beard balm and beard oil completely over your beard. It is important to brush your beard regularly.
Using a beard brush will also help to remove dead skin. This will improve how your beard feels.
Any beard brush will work, and you can read about this beard brush and comb combo set here. This is a nice inexpensive set that will give you both products along with some beard scissors.
5. Trim Your Split Ends
Split ends can make it feel like you have a rough beard. Using proper beard scissors to trim away stray hair strands will make your beard look better. Not only that, it will make your beard feel soft to the touch. Those random split ends can make your beard feel scratchy. You can get some decent scissors for trimming in the combo set we linked above.
6. Drink Lots Of Water
The easiest way to hydrate your body including your facial hair is to drink lots of water every day. Men should drink about 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) per day according to the mayo clinic. https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/in-depth/water/art-20044256
How To Soften A Beard Naturally At Home
If you do not want to purchase beard care products, you can make your own beard oil at home. This can be a starting point if you want to soften your beard. You can use coconut oil for your beard or any other natural carrier oil. Just apply it like any beard oil. It won’t provide as much benefit as a premade oil, and it will not have a good scent. Of course, you could add some essential oils to make it smell better.