The most iconic scent in shaving cream is Sandalwood. Our goal is to provide information on the best Sandalwood shaving creams and soaps on the market. This article covers both soaps and creams, and we have included large commercial brands to small artisan brands.
Because of the incredibly high cost of Sandalwood, most products use synthetic fragrance. Because of this, there is not a common Sandalwood scent among products.
This can be a good thing or a bad thing. The good part is that there are so many different choices. The bad part is that the scents can vary so much, and you may like some and hate some.
Our list covers the best in the shaving cream market. This is based on scent (obviously), performance, cost, and availability.
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These are in no particular order.
Taylor of Old Bond Street Sandalwood Shaving Cream
Taylor of Old Bond Street is an iconic brand that has been around for a long time. It would be hard to have a top sandalwood list without including TOBS on it.
This has a nice strong fragrance, and it produces copious amounts of nice slick lather. It has solid performance, good slickness, and minimal irritation. It is definitely a step above canned foam and goo.
The reviews on Amazon will also give you an idea of how popular this shaving cream is.
The soap comes in a plastic bowl, and you will need to use a shaving brush with it. If you are a fan of Sandalwood, this is a must have.
Proraso Sandalwood Shaving Cream
Proraso is a classic shaving brand from Italy, with a worldwide reputation for producing excellent shaving products.
Their shaving cream is no exception, especially their Sandalwood scent.
This cream is 95% Natural, has no parabens, and no artificial colors, and it smells incredible.
Also, one thing that sets this apart from the others on our list is the packaging. This comes in a tube instead of a jar.
This obviously means you can’t load your brush directly from the container. But as long as that is not a deal breaker, it should not be an issue.
In addition to all of that, it has a nice price point, so it won’t break the bank. You can check the current price here on Amazon.
Art Of Shaving Sandalwood Shaving Cream
The Art of Shaving prides itself on luxury shaving as well as having multiple options for each of its scents.
If you are into a full grooming routine, and you love Sandalwood, then look no further.
While it is a bit more pricey than some of the other products we mentioned, it still is a solid performing product.
It’s not the best performing product, but it still performs well, and it will be be fine for the majority of wet shavers. For those looking for superior performance, we would recommend the Proraso or TOBS.
Don’t let that deter you from trying this out though, as you can get the full Sandalwood Collection from AOS. They offer Pre-Shave Oil, Shaving Cream, and After-Shave Balm.
This all comes in their incredible smelling Sandalwood scent, so if you like the full experience, this line cannot be beat.
Truefitt & Hill Sandalwood Shaving Cream
If you are looking for a luxury cream with a complex Sandalwood scent, then you should check out this product.
This has notes of Sandalwood, Tonka, Lavender, Cedar, and Citrus notes. This is truly a remarkable scent, and if you are looking for a more sophisticated and luxury product, this should be the one you purchase.
Since the 1800’s T&H has been making exceptional men’s grooming products, and their cream is top notch.
It has solid performance and slickness, but what sets this apart from other Sandalwood products on our list is the scent. This is more of a cologne style scent that is truly intoxicating.
Fine Classic Shaving Soap, Santal Absolut

Fine, well known for their Aftershave Splashes, also produce quality shaving soaps.
This is a triple milled soap made in the Netherlands. Fine is based out of America, but they just get their product made from a reputable company out of the Netherlands.
This is a nice straight forward Sandalwood scent, and the performance of the soap is solid.
It also comes in a hard puck if you do not want to purchase one in a container. Fine Classic Shaving Soap, Santal Absolut
Sandalwood is one of the most popular scents in men’s grooming. It has been used for years in so many different products, and it is a very marketable term.
Due to the expense of Sandalwood Essential Oil, most products use synthetic fragrance, and it is hard to find a true scent out there.
There are so many different Sandalwood shaving creams and soaps on the market, and there are some great ones that did not make the list.
If you feel one should be added, comment below.