How to use a shave stick is a common question for new wet shavers. A shaving stick is a shaving soap that is packaged in a stick form. One of the most recognized shaving sticks in the world is Arko. These are great for travel because they are small and easy to bring along whether you are flying or just taking an overnight road trip. If you are an experienced wet shaver, it’s almost a rite of passage to grab a stick of Arko. Some would say it’s blasphemy to not have tried this at least once if you are an avid wet shaver. In this article we will look at how to use a shave stick.
The way to use a shave stick is like any other shave soap. Use warm water to wet your face, and then apply the shave stick to your face. Gently rub the shave stick over your face, and then use your damp shave brush to build lather on your face. You can also use the shave stick inside a bowl and build the lather there.
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3 Methods For Using A Shaving Stick
Face Lathering With A Brush
This is my preferred method. How this works is basically what was described above where you coat your face with it, and then you use a brush to build a lather. This method is very similar to how a lot of people use shaving creams. Personally, my face feels more moisturized after face lathering a shaving soap or cream.
Bowl Lathering
Bowl lathering is the standard method, and it is very similar to how most people would lather a traditional shaving soap. The difference is that you do not have a puck of soap in a bowl, but you take your stick and rub it inside the bowl. This will create a layer of soap inside the bowl, and then you can use your shaving brush to build a lather inside your bowl. There are shaving kits available if you would like to get a set for this.
Hand Lathering
Commonly referred to as the “oops I forgot my shave brush” technique. This method is just like the face lathering with brush technique, but there is not shaving brush. Basically, you get your shaving stick and rub it on your face, but you use your hands to build the lather instead of your brush. If you are a minimalist, this is for you because there is no need to pack a brush for your travels.
Here Are The Best Shaving Sticks To Use
Arko Shaving Stick
This is simply the gold standard for shave sticks. Not because it is the best performing, but has a reputation of being one of those shaving products that you must try. You can get a three pack for dirt cheap, so even if you don’t like it, your out the cost of a latte. Plus, you can always add the unused sticks to a bundle of soaps you are selling or trading in a Facebook group. The stick is small weighing in at 70 grams. The scent is hit or miss.
PAA Shave Stick
Phoenix Artisan Accoutrements also has a great shaving stick. The soap is a better quality than Arko, and it comes in a bay rum scent. IMO, it is the best performing stick on our list. It comes in a 2.25 ounce tube, and it is a vegan formula. If Bay Rum is not your thing, then you may want to back off, but this is a “bay rum for people who don’t like bay rum” scent. If you are more inclined to natural ingredients and butters in your products, then just go ahead and get this one. It is the only product without chemical sounding ingredients.
Pacific Shaving Shave Stick
Pacific is the company that came out with the caffeinated after shave that hit retail stores several years ago. The drawback to me about this is the lack of fragrance. But here is the rub. While it is listed as fragrance free, the last ingredient is spearmint leaf oil, so it does have a mild mint fragrance. To me, a better way to market it would be to list it as naturally scented with essential oils. The performance is good, and it will get the job done.
La Toja Shaving Stick
The scent of La Toja is a light, clean, refreshing scent with marine notes that gives it a bit of a salty scent. Reading tons of reviews on Amazon of this and others, this is probably the most appreciated scent wise of the traditional shave sticks. La Toja is a Spanish made product and you shouldn’t hav any issues with the performance of this.
Taylor Of Old Bond Street Sandalwood Shave Stick
This is an English made products, and if you are an avid wet shaver, you are probably familiar with the TOBS brand. They are famous for their sandalwood scented shaving products.